
Hello, I am the Changeling and this is my little virtual corner of the world.  Welcome.  When I was a child, the most enchanting and warming place to be was my Aunty's cottage in Heacham, England.  There was a rose garden and a bird bath that always froze over in winter, a pea-gravel driveway and swaths of mint that cascaded over the fence.  No matter how cold it grew outside, we were always warm and cozy inside and I hope visitors to this blog will find a similar warmth and welcome here.

For those who might not know, a changeling is a mythical creature, often a fairy, that is swapped out for a human child.  In short, a creature who doesn't quite belong in the world they find themselves in.  That has been my story for too long now. 

I'm on a quest to change all that.  Perhaps the reason we are born and the reason we suffer is because we have either chosen challenges for ourselves or been given them.  Maybe they are really gifts that we just haven't developed the perspective to be grateful for yet.  It's a working theory.

My goal, for as far back as I can remember has been to be important.  To anyone.  For any reason, but no matter who loved me or who paid attention or what compliments I received, it's never been enough to keep my starving ego fed.  I've been feeding it the air and imagination of childhood tea tables.  What I really need is to win my own love and self-respect, something that will take a lot more work than I've done in my life. 

So this blog is my journal of this journey of self-discovery.  Thank you for visiting.